Places in Visas of New Caledonia





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Facts about New-caledonia

New Caledonia is a french territory.  So its citizens have the French Nationality and can vote for the president of France. They have the right to vote in elections to the European Parliament.  It is governed by a 54-member Territorial Congress, a legislative body composed of members of three provincial assemblies. The French State is represented in the territory by a High Commissioner. At a national level, New Caledonia is represented in the French Parliament by two deputies and two senators. 

 Noumea is  the capital city of New Caledonia.  It  is situated on a peninsula in the south of New Caledonia's main island, Grande Terre, and is home to the majority of the island's European, Polynesian (Wallisians, Futunians, Tahitians), Indonesian, and Vietnamese populations, as well as many Melanesians, Ni-Vanuatu and Kanaks who work in one of the South Pacific's most industrialised cities.

The official language spoken in New Caledonia is French.  Nengone; Paicî; Ajië; Drehu; and 35 other native languages are also  spoken in New Caledonia. 

Types of New-caledonia Visa

Types of Visa Processing Time Duration of Stay

Places in Visas of New Caledonia Fees

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