Our Hotel in Kumbakonam brings you the best value in town in terms of facilities, hospitality and affordability. DSR Madhanam Inn redefines enchantment and hospitality in the temple city of Kumbakonam. We help you prepare for the day ahead with a cozy accommodation, delectable food and high standards of service in an absolutely luxurious ambience. At Navadhanya, ecstatic food prepared by our expert chefs will leave the taste lingering in your bud for days.
Kumbakonam Hotel - DSR Madhanam Inn redefines enchantment and hospitality in the temple city of Kumbakonam. The moment you step-in you will feel the refreshing change in your environment, helping you prepare for the day ahead with a cozy accommodation, delectable food and high standards of service in an absolutely luxurious ambience. At Navadhanya, ecstatic food prepared by our expert chefs will leave the taste lingering in your bud for days.
Hotel DSR Madhanam Inn is a top-class hotel in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu .