Places in Visas of Iran





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Facts about Iran

Types of Iran Visa

Types of Visa Processing Time Duration of Stay

Places in Visas of Iran Fees

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FAQs about Places in Visas of Iran

How populous is Iran ?

Iran is the 18th-largest country in the world by a population of 80,277,428 people based on estimates published by the United Nations.

Is it safe to visit Iran ?

Yes, you can consider Iran as a safe place to travel. The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the safest countries in the world.

Are there health care systems in Iran ?

There are both public and private healthcare sectors but it is advisable to patronize the private hospitals which have more modern facilities to care for foreigners.

How many days are issued on tourist visa to tourists who are visiting Iran for tourism ?

1 month(30 days) duration is issued to tourists who want to visit Iran for tourism purposes.

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